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**Caution: Some translations may be missing the intended interpretations or meanings. Please, refer to the English website at all times for cross-referencing. We are also asking brethren worldwide who understand English very well to help us with the translations in their languages or send us corrections in any of the languages we have listed. (614) 706-0124
The Church and the coming tribulation: A warning!
Greetings to all that look forward to the imminent return of our Great Messiah! As we begin 2025, we would like to remind everyone, especially real, biblical Christians worldwide that the pains, sufferings, trials and tribulations the world witnessed in 2024, is a prelude to the events coming upon the earth. So, we again sound the alarm: "Prepare for the Tribulation" (1st Thessalonians 5: 1-4, 2nd Peter 3: 10-11), and "prepare for the Rapture" as well (Matthew 24: 42-44, and 25: 1- 13). There is no excuse whatsoever for any Christian who will be caught off-guard by the coming events that has already been graciously leaked to us by our Great Master Jesus Christ in the Gospels, and in the Book of Revelation. Moreover, we were given 2,000+ years to prepare.
Do not listen to anyone promising you miracles, giving you prophecies of "Peace and Prosperity", or asking you to list the things you want God to do for you this year (instead of asking you what you will be doing for God to further the Gospel and to be fruitful for God's kingdom). My friends, listen rather, to the instructions of our Great Master Jesus Christ that we should be prepared because the end is at hand.
We are a gathering of "Real", Biblical Christians who spend time every week to do in-dept study of the Word of God. We use the word "Real", because we made up our minds to follow the plans, purposes, teachings, instructions, standards, procedures and specifications of "our Great Master" Jesus Christ, as He delivered them unto us through His Holy Apostles in the Holy Scriptures. We believe that the Holy Apostles of Christ are God's standard for Church leadership today, and because God does not lower His standards, we expect every Church leader today to at least meet the standards of the Apostles, in lifestyles, knowledge of The God-Head and the Holy Scriptures. We also expect them to meet the basic qualifications for Church leadership outlined in [Titus 1:5-11], and [1st Timothy 3:1-13] or step down and find another job.
We are a group of believers determined to be what "Real, Biblical" Christians were called by our Master Jesus Christ to be:
"a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light" -[1st Peter 2:9]. While we do not condemn those who seek salvation in many religious houses parading about as churches today, we strongly advice those looking for "The True" God to seek Him through "The Real" Jesus, in the place He has established His name, i.e. in any "Real, Biblical" Church whose core messages are the 5 "R's": Repentance, Restitution, Regeneration, Righteous living (holiness) and Reconciliation.
"The Real" Jesus Christ wants you to "come as you are, but don't want you to stay as you are", because staying as you are in your old sinful ways, religious, ungodly, geographical and ethnic cultures and traditions, along with bad habits and false beliefs, defeats the very purpose of Christ dying on the Cross for your sins. We are not a gospel-entertaining Church. Here, we open and search the scriptures daily and diligently, and corroborate past and present events with the prophecies given us in the Holy Scriptures to determine where we are in Bible Prophecy.

"My Sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" -John 10:27
Tired of the false doctrine of "gain is godliness", and the "name it and claim it" madness that is now the core teachings of many false Churches today, along with the proliferation of false, uneducated pastors all over the world who claim to be representing Christ, Servant Joshua began teaching the Bible to a few people in his office.
Initially, attempts to reach more people at best, received lukewarm responses. Our growth was slow because "Prosperity prospecting", (now the number one reason many go to Church today), tied so many people to their "spiritually" dead Churches and made it impossible for them to seek "The real" Jesus. Those who seek financial miracles and are addicted to the fake promises of wealth if they give money to their church or pastor, loved the "yo-yo" miracles they were purchasing, and had no interest whatsoever in sound bible teachings. But thank God that recently, we have successfully reached out to some by emphatically stating the importance of the instructions of Christ to the Church through the Holy Apostles, and a few more (though not publicly), are beginning to recognize the dangers their false teachers and false Churches pose to the eternal destiny of their souls.
Jehovah God who cannot lie, kept all His promises to Israel even unto this day. We believe that He could have kept all His promises to the Church today as well-except that most professing Christians today have placed our Great and Mighty Jesus Christ underneath their filthy, greedy pastors. They now worship their pastors more than they worship God The father or God The Son, or God the Holy Spirit. Matter of fact, "pastor worshiping" is now the fastest form of idol worship around the world today.
Because we are also convinced that Jesus Christ is the "Game changer", we continue to plead with all men worldwide to come to Him. This is because whether you want to admit or you are in denial, the truth of the matter is that most people today inherited something from their parents, grand parents, great grand parents, etc. that are not good, and will affect them for the rest of their lives. The only person with the power and authority to remove or change this inherited bad thing is Jesus Christ, the game changer.
We are fully persuaded that ours and many other like-minded ministries around the world will reach as many people as possible, with the "Sound" Doctrines of Christ and His Holy Apostles before God's "Generous" Period of Grace expires. Above all, we wish that all those who claim to know the "Real Jesus" join us in blowing the trumpet and sounding the alarm to the simple and gullible followers of today's false prophets and their false religious houses with this simple message from the Holy Scriptures:
"If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds". -2nd John 1:10-11

If God asks you to give one reason the gates of heaven should be opened to you, what would it be?
"We are for real. Really"

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