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**Caution: Some translations may be missing the intended interpretations or meanings. Please, refer to the English website at all times for cross-referencing. We are also asking brethren worldwide who understand English very well to help us with the translations in their languages or send us corrections in any of the languages we have listed.
This Month's Teaching(February,2025)
The Teachings of Master Jesus, Episode 3: The Beatitudes 5-9 Main Text: Matthew 5: 1-12
The Beatitudes, defined as a “State of utmost bliss”, are a group of nine blessings and rewards pronounced by Jesus Christ on those who meet the specific conditions and requirements outlined in the message. The Beatitudes is one of the most studied sermons in Christianity, and it is expedient that everyone understands the teaching and how it applies to them. Last month, (January 2025), we covered the first 4 beatitudes. This month, (February 2025), we will cover and explain the last 5 beatitudes, and their accompanying rewards and blessings under the following sub-headings: The Proclamation, the Explanation (or meaning), the Recipients, and the Blessing or reward.
Beatitude #5:
The proclamation:
“Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy”- Matthew 5:7 -
The Explanation: Who are the merciful?
The scripture describes the “merciful” as people who show mercy, not only when they are capable of, or in a position to, but consistently and at the moments when it is not convenient. “Mercy” is one of the personalities of Jehovah God, and also of Jesus Christ [Luke 6:36, Heb 2:17, 1 st Chronicles 16:41, Psalm 25:10, 62:12, 66:20, 90:14, 100:5, 103:17]. This is why mercy is very dear to God’s heart [2nd Samuel 22:26, Micah 6:8, Matthew 23:23], and the “Mercy Seat” was created inside the Ark of the Covenant [Exodus Chapter 25]. God established a “unique” blessing to follow those who are merciful [Proverbs 11:17, 14:21-22, 31, 20:28, 21:22, Psalm 37:21, 109:16]. -
The recipients: “The Merciful”
Their blessing or reward: “for they shall obtain mercy”. The scriptures make it clear that God’s mercy is for those who themselves show mercy [Psalm 18:25, 37: 25-26, Daniel 4:27, James 2:13].
Beatitude #6:
The proclamation:
“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God”-Matthew 5:8 -
The Explanation: Who are the “pure in heart”?
The following texts from the scriptures define a person who is pure in heart:
[Psalm 24:4] - “He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart, who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully”
[1st Timothy 1:5] - “Charity out of pure heart, and a good conscience, and faith unfeigned” -
The recipients: Anyone who fits the definition of a “pure heart” above.
Their blessing or reward: “for they shall see God".
Beatitude #7
The proclamation: “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God” -Matthew 5:9
The Explanation: Who are the “Peacemakers”?
Christ was not referring to corrupt political organizations like the United Nations, or individual groups that make deceitful promises and truces that they know from the beginning they are not going to keep. The “peacemakers” here are those who reconcile sinners to God with the gospel. -
The recipients: Anyone on a mission today to reconcile man to our Great God
Their blessing or reward: “for they shall be called the children of God”
Beatitude #8:
The proclamation: “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”-Matthew 5: 10
The Explanation: What does it mean to be “persecuted for righteous sake”?
First, let us examine what persecution isn’t.
i. When you are suffering for your wrong decisions, actions or inactions.
ii. When you are receiving punishment for your crimes or sins.
Now, let’s examine what “Persecution for Righteousness’ sake” means:
I. You lose certain rights, and privileges, for refusing to join a multitude to believe in, or participate in behaviors or actions that provoke God to anger.
II. You are arrested, prosecuted or jailed for failing to carry out an order that provokes God to anger [Act 5:29]
III. You refuse to believe or practice something that Christ specifically says is false-This is very common today in religious assemblies disguised as churches, where pastors or the church itself persecutes their members for refusing to believe practice their doctrines. -
The recipients: Anyone who is being persecuted for refusing to join others to commit anything that provokes God to anger.
Their blessing or reward: “for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”
Beatitude #9
The proclamation: “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake”-Matthew 5: 11-12
The Explanation: What does it mean to be reviled and persecuted by others for the sake of Jesus Christ?
First, let us examine what revilement and persecution for Christ’s sake isn’t.
I. When you are corrected or have been instructed to abstain from false prophecies and false doctrines.
II. When you are told not to shove Christianity down other people’s throat, or you are being punished for ignoring requests not to
forcefully proselytize non-believers.
III. You have failed in your civic duties to the community or society, and you are being punished or admonished.
IV. When people around you are mocking you for your religious “ignorance” and “fanatism”.
Now, let’s examine what it means:
I. You are physically assaulted because you preached the Gospel of Christ-[Act 5:40, 2 nd Corinthians 11:25].
II. You are being singled out for criticism, ridicule, discrimination and denial of your basic rights because you identify as a follower of Jesus Christ [Act 17:18].
III. You are being denied the upward mobility in employment, and leadership positions because you identify as a follower of Jesus Christ.
IV. You are being barred from traveling to, or entering certain places because you identify as a follower of Jesus Christ [Act 17: 5-9]. -
The recipients: Anyone that has been hated and denied rights and privileges because of their allegiance to Jesus Christ.
Their blessing or reward: “Rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you”.
**Please, click on any of the PDF files to open previous month's teachings. Remember, it is your responsibility to search the scriptures to see whether these things are true or not.
2020 Sermons
Who really is God?
Who really is Jesus Christ?
Who really is The Holy Spirit?
Who really is satan?
Who really is a "Real, Biblical" Christian?
The Mystery of Melchizedek
The Truth and Lies About Tithes & Tithing
The Origins of Plagues & Natural Disasters
Speaking in Tongues: What The Bible Teaches
What the Bible says About the Death Penalty as the Ultimate Punishment
The Question of Whether One Can Lose His/Her Salvation
2024 Sermons
January to March 2024-Are Women Called into Church Leadership? Can They Pastor Churches?
2021 Sermons
January 2021-The Coming Tribulation
February 2021-The gifts of Christ in the Church
March 2021-The gifts of The Holy Spirit-Episode 1-Faith
April 2021-The gifts of The Holy Spirit-Episode 2-Word of Knowldge
May 2021-The gifts of The Holy Spirit-Episode 3-The gift of Prophecy
June 2021-The gifts of The Holy Spirit-Episode 4-The gift of Tongues
July 2021-The gifts of The Holy Spirit-Episode 5-Interpretation of Tongues
August 2021-The gifts of The Holy Spirit-Episode 6-Discerning of Spirits
September 2021-The gifts of The Holy Spirit-Episode 7-The Gift of Healing
October 2021-The gifts of The Holy Spirit-Episode 8-The Gift of "Working of Miracles"
November 2021-The Church Leadership Gifts of Christ Episode 1: The Gift of "Apostle"
December 2021-The Church Leadership Gifts of Christ Episode 2: The Gift of "Prophet"
2025 Sermons
January 2025-The Teachings of Master Jesus, Episode 3: The Beatitudes
2022 Sermons
January 2022-The Church Leadership Gifts of Christ Episode 3: The Gift of "Evangelist"
February 2022-The Church Leadership Gifts of Christ Episode 4 & 5: The Gift of "Pastor & Teacher"
March 2022-About the True Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ
April 2022-Legalism in the Church: What it is, and what it isn't
May 2022-The Definition of a "Real, Biblical Church"
June 2022-The Reality of Hell
July 2022-The Will of God Concerning Christian Prosperity
August 2022-The Importance of Uniformity in Church Doctrine.
September 2022-The Importance of Sharing “Return on Investments” with all those who invested in the Church
October and November 2022-Causes of Poverty in the World, and in The Church
December 2022-The Family Hierarchy and Chain of Command Instituted by God
2023 Sermons
January 2023-Principal characteristics of false prophets in the Church today- [Lesson 1-Introduction]
February 2023-Principal characteristics of false prophets in the Church today- [Lesson 2]
March 2023-Principal characteristics of false prophets in the Church today- [Lesson 3]
April 2023-Principal characteristics of false prophets in the Church today- [Lesson 4]
May 2023-Principal characteristics of false prophets in the Church today- [Lesson 5]
June & July 2023-The Importance of The Blood of Jesus
August 2023-Noah and The God of time Tables
September - Dec 2023-Noah and The God of time Tables

If God asks you to give one reason the gates of heaven should be opened to you, what would it be?
"We are for real. Really"