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There are two types of Christians in this world, my friend: the "real", biblical Christian who follows the teachings, standards, procedures and instructions of Christ and His Apostles, and the "anything-goes", religious house visitor, disguised as an angel of light, but groping aimlessly through life wearing the cloak of "religious" tradition that consistently wrestles with the doctrines of Christ and His Apostles, while touting "self righteousness" (that gets them nowhere), before the rest of the world.
Which one are you?

Friends, it is your responsibility to emulate the Bereans who "were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so"-Act 17:11
-Mason T. Joshua, November 1, 2020.
While we believe and teach the basic Christian Doctrines of the "Virgin" birth of Jesus Christ, Christ the "perfect" sacrificial Lamb of God, the Completeness of the God-Head (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), Salvation by Grace and not by works, the existence and importance of the "Gifts" of The Spirit and the "Fruit" of The Spirit in the Church today, we are also listing here, some of our "core" doctrines and teachings. If you are a Christian or claim to belong to Christ, or you are just planning to come to Christ, these core teachings will help you greatly in your search for the truth.
1. God is sovereign in His decisions and dealings with man. This means you can't tell Him what to do, how, or when to do it,
    and you can't question His decisions, judgments, mercies or pardons.

2. There are 5 distinct entities that make up the Word of God:
(i) The Spoken Word itself (or God's verbal Instructions).
         ***Note that the scriptures declare that Jesus Christ is the Spoken Word of God***
[John 1:1, John 1:14, Rev 19:13]
(ii) The Plan of God (iii) The Purpose of God (iv) The Standards (or patterns) of God, and (v) The specifications of God.
3. It is the responsibility (and obligation) of every "Real" Christian to challenge, expose, reject and turn away from the teachings,
    instructions and mandates of their pastors or churches that contradicts the teachings, instructions and mandates of our
    Great Master Jesus Christ and those of His holy Apostles.

4. The Holy Spirit of God does not have time for, or spend time with a "spiritually" deaf Christian. So, "He that hath an ear, let him
     hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches"
[Rev 2:7, 2:11, 2:17, 2:29, Rev 3:6, 3:13, 3:22]

5. Jesus Christ is God the son of God, God, the Word of God, and the Finger of God's right hand in the creation of all things
    visible and invisible. He is 
"God manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles,
    believed on in the world, received up into glory"-
 [1st Timothy 3:16]. He is the ultimate "Game Changer", our Noah's Ark,
    and the "bright Light at the end of the tunnel".

6. Jesus Christ is the only authority given by God to set you free, and If Jesus Christ sets you free, you shall be free indeed-
[John 8:36]
7.  Jesus Christ is "Real". The great patriarch Abraham met Him as "Melchizedek" [Gen 14: 28, John 8:56], Moses the law giver
     testified of Him
[Deuteronomy 18:15], The great prophets Isaiah [Isaiah 53:1-12], and Daniel [Daniel 9:25-26], spoke     
     explicitly about Him and His coming, the great King Nebuchadnezzar saw, and testified of Him
[Daniel 3, 24-25], the great
     King David testified of Him in
[Psalm 110:1], Wise men from the East confirmed his birth and visited Him [Matthew 2:1-11],
     Fishermen saw him and accepted Him
[Matthew 4:19, Mark 1:17], a tax collector saw Him and accepted Him [Matthew 9:9,
     Mark 2:14]
, a physician wrote about Him [Luke 1: 1-4], a lawyer met Him on the road to Damascus [Act 9: 3-7], followed Him
     and became one of His most powerful witnesses, demons from the pits of hell saw Him, believed in, and testified of Him
[Matthew 8:28-32, Act 19:15]. These eyewitnesses and encounters were at different periods in human history, and there
     were no contradictions. So, my friend, what is your excuse, and by the way, who bewitched you, put a blindfold in your face,
     and darkened your heart to not believe in, and accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah? 
The return of Jesus Christ is "imminent", and will be visible to all eyes [Revelation 1:7], but no one (not even the Angels in
     heaven) knows the day, month, year or hour He is coming back. Anyone who claims to know this "Divine" secret is a lunatic
     and a false prophet.
Jesus Christ does not have time for, or spend time with a "spiritually" deaf Christian. So, "He that hath ears to hear,
      let him hear"
[Matthew 11:15, 13:9, 13:43, Mark 4:9, 4:23, 7:16, Luke 8:8, 14:35].
10. Jesus Christ is MELCHIZEDEK the High Priest described in [Genesis 14:18, Psalm 110:4]. We make this claim because anyone
"without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life" [Hebrews 7:3], is God,
     and since there's only a "Triune God" (God in 3 persons), Melchizedek couldn't have been a fourth person in the God-Head.
     Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself confirmed that He is Melchizedek, by referring to Melchizedek's encounter with Abraham in
 [Genesis 14: 18-24], when He stated to the religious Jews who questioned His deity that
"Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad" [John 8:56]. Our claim is also in line with Apostle Paul's
     claim about the person of Melchizedek in
[Hebrews chapter 7], and in [Hebrews 2:17, Hebrews 3:1, Hebrews 4: 14-15,
     Hebrews 5: 1, 5, and 10],
Christ is vividly described as the only high priest of God. So, if Melchizedek was another high priest
     different from Christ, then we would have 2 high priests of God. This could not be true because we are also told that God’s
     High Priest is seated at God’s Right Hand. Since there’s only one right hand of God (we are not told anywhere in the Bible that
     God has 2 right hands), there’s also room for only one High Priest. Moreover, the meaning of Melchizedek clearly spells out
     the personality of Christ, as follows: 
(a) "King of Salem" (Jerusalem)
[Heb 7:2] - Christ will rule the world as king of kings, Lord of Lords from Jerusalem.
(b) Also known as the “King of peace”
[Heb 7:2]-Christ is the Prince or King of Peace [Isaiah 9: 6].
(c) "King of Righteousness"
[Heb 7:2] – Christ is the King of righteousness -Jehovah Tsekenu-"The Lord, our Righteousness" 
     [Jeremiah 23: 5-6].
(d) “Priest of The Most High God"
[Heb 7:1] -Jesus is the "ONLY" Priest of The Most High God.
“.....having neither beginning of days nor end of life" [Heb 7:3]- Anyone without beginning and end is either God the Father, or God
     The Son, or God The Holy Spirit.
11. Every created entity must obey the laws, rules and specifications of its creator. Failure to do so will definitely result in the
      self-destruction of the created entity. 

12. In [Psalm 111:9], we are told that "Holy and Reverend is His name" (i.e., the name of our Great God). We therefore claim
      that no man should give himself the title "Reverend". Why should man be revered as God? 

13. Anyone who claims to know "the Real" Jesus, will not end up in a false church or follow a false prophet, because the sheep
      (real Biblical Christians) hears, recognizes and follow the voice of "the real" shepherd, Jesus Christ. They cannot be
      deceived because the truth and the light of "the real" Christ abides in them and guides them. Our question to you is:
      Which voice are you hearing?" Is it that of the real Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, or the "artificial",
      fake one being paraded about in false Churches today? 
Great Master Jesus Christ had a living will [John 19, 26-27, John 21: 21-24, Act 2: 4-8] and a financial plan [Luke 14:28].
      Therefore, every Christian 20 years and older should have a living will and a financial plan.
15. If you call yourself a Christian and satan is not curious about you, then you need to question or carefully examine your
Salvation is not earned. It is a free gift, and only God  determines who gets this free gift-not the church or church leaders.
      We can evangelize all we want, sing gospel music to entertain people, organize lavish crusades, expensive Bible seminars,
      and preach all we want but at the end of the day, only Jehovah God determines who gets saved.

17. Next to Salvation, the second most important gift every "True" Christian should be seeking is “The Mind of Christ”
      [1st Corinthians 2:16, 1st John 4:17]. The "Mind of Christ" is the treasure trove of Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding,
     Discretion, Counsel, Perfection, and “God’s acceptable version of Righteousness”. With "The Mind of Christ", any "Real"
     Christian can easily solve all the problems most people in the world today are paying counselors, psychologists, therapists,
     psychiatrists, financial advisers, witch doctors, and false prophets to solve for them.

18. A MIRACLE is something good you received from God (especially when you needed it the most) or something bad that God
      delivered you from (especially when it is obvious that it is destroying, or will destroy you), and this miracle from God costs
      you nothing, will stand the test of time, and the test of man.

19. God has not, and will not perform miracles in the hands of false prophets and covetous scammers.  Anyone who has a
      relationship with Christ can get a solution to any problem by tapping into the "amazing, abundant" Grace of God in Christ
      Jesus. This Grace is so powerful that it overwhelms all our problems and force solutions to them. 
20Tithes and Tithing are not for the Church, because nowhere in the New testament did Christ or His Apostles collect tithes, or         instruct the Church or Christians to pay tithes. We were instructed to give as God has prospered us [1st Corinthians 16:2],   
     give freely what we plan to give (free-will offerings only); and give as we have purposed in our hearts
[2nd Corinthians 9:7].   
     The words "Tithe", "Tithes", or "Tithing" were mentioned only 7 times in the New Testament when Christ was condemning
     the Scribes and Pharisees for dwelling on tithes while omitting the weightier matters of the law- judgment, mercy and faith
[Matthew 23:23, and Luke 11:42]; when Apostle Paul was explaining that only the Old Testament Priests who were Levites 
     from the line of Aaron, anointed by God, and who met the specific qualifications of God could receive tithes from the
[Hebrews 7:5, 7:6, 7:8, and 7:9]; and finally in [Luke 18:12], when Christ was preaching about the hypocrite pharisee 
     who was using tithing to justify his righteousness before God. Nowhere in all the seven verses was the Church instructed to
     pay tithes.
     Christ brought His Church under a "lighter yoke" 
[Matthew 11:29-30]
in abolishing the "earthly priesthood" and all the laws
     and ceremonies (including the law of tithing) that
 goes with it [Ephesians 2:15], i.e. by doing away (with His coming) with the
     earthly priesthood entirely, along with all the
 traditions and ceremonies associated with the Old Testament dispensation
[2nd Corinthians 3:14, Hebrews 6: 14], because of its "weakness and unprofitability" [Hebrews 6: 18-19, 21, chapters 9 & 10].
e widow who gave her “Widow’s mite” in [Matthew 12:41-44, Luke 21:1-4], did not give tithes or 10% of her income,
     but gave as she had purposed in her heart by
 giving all she had at the time, and was highly commended by our Lord Jesus
     Christ. Those who force us to pay tithes, or
 invoke the [Malachi Chapter 3:8-9] curse upon us for not enriching their pockets
     with tithes, are themselves the ones being
 cursed by God for troubling us with another gospel which neither Christ nor His
     Apostles preached 
[Galatians 1:6-9], and also for putting upon us again, a yoke that the Israelites couldn't bear, and that
     Christ Himself took off our necks
[Acts 15:10]. 
21. You must be filled with, and empowered by the "real" Holy Spirit of God before you can have the gift of healing, or working          of miracles (or any other spiritual gift for that matter) today [1st Corinthians 12: 4-11], because you need the power of the              "real" Holy Spirit of God to perform "real" miracles that are "truly" from the hand of God. In [Acts 1: 8], Christ instructed the        Apostles to wait until the Holy Spirit came upon them to empower them, before going about the work of God. Any miracles          you claim to be performing if you are not filled with the "real" Holy Spirit of God is either a miracle straight from the pits of          hell that does not stand the test of time or the test of man, or you are an actor or stage clown entertaining your audience
      with your "lying" miracles. 

22. God is not looking for the perfect man He can use, but the man that will follow His instructions and get the job done. This is
      why the kings and judges in the Bible were graded not on their personalities or personal shortcomings before they became
      kings and Judges, but on their performances on the job. This is why we read about each king or judge: "
He did that which
     was right in the sight of the Lord"
, or "He did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord"
23. "
Real", biblical pastors and church leaders are not born pastors, are not ordained in the womb, are not made in the 
     seminaries or divinity schools, and are not ordained by men or churches either. They are carefully selected or called after    
      they have reached God's age of maturity (20 years and older), have "
studied to show themselves approved" [1st Timothy  
and has been cleansed, empowered and sent by God, and their primary purpose on earth is to teach the word of God.         God did not design church leadership to be a birth-right that passes down from father to son or father to daughter or 
husband to wife. It is therefore a high crime before God when children, spouses, and other family members unilaterally 
inherit church leadership positions when their father or husband dies or is incapacitated. Man's ordination is irrelevant if a 
     church leader or Pastor or Bishop is not ordained by God.
24. The primary reason and purpose anyone should be going to Church today is not to seek miracles, prosperity or   
      entertainment, but to
"seek The Lord, til He come and rain righteousness upon you"- [Hosea 10:12]
25. Many religions since life began on earth claim to be the only true religion from God. But the religion that is truly of God is 
      quiet and peaceful
, does not hinder the liberties of fellow human beings, does not violently proselytize, always look out for 
      the wellbeing of all people
[James 1:27], and does not join a multitude to believe or commit evil and abominations (things 
      that God hates)

26. Anyone who dies (saint, sinner, Jew, Gentile) stays in the grave until either the rapture of both living and dead believers in
      Jesus Christ who lived a righteous life before Him (according to
[1st Thessalonians 4:13-17]), or the first resurrection (of those
      who were murdered during the great tribulation for being witnesses for Christ, for preaching the Gospel, for rejecting the
      ways of the antichrist, and for refusing his mark, (according to
[Rev 20:4-6]), or the second resurrection (of everyone else who
      doesn't fit any of the two categories above, according to
[Rev 20: 12-13]). 
Contrary to popular belief, the Bible is not just the story of the Hebrew people or Jews, but the divinely-inspired story of 
     God's dealings with humans, brilliantly documented by the Jews. We encourage everyone (even if you are not a Christian)             to at least read the book of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes (we believe these 2 books were not written to any specific religion               but to all of mankind).  We would love for everyone to read the entire bible, but we also believe that the book of   
Ecclesiastes is a good starting point because people won't understand the importance of salvation through Christ, if they     
understand the frailty and unpredictable nature of life on earth, brilliantly narrated by Solomon in the book of   
28. There's no margin for error when interpreting the Bible or preaching the Gospel, because people may not get a second
      chance to correct the error you made when you were preaching to them. It is therefore extremely important that every     
      preacher have an in-depth knowledge of the Most High God, of His Son Jesus Christ, of His Holy Spirit, of God's salvation            plan (as He has declared to us through the prophets), and of the accomplishment of that plan by Christ on the cross (as 
      Christ Himself and His holy apostles have declared to us). We recommend that every pastor study Stephen's defense in
deeply and thoroughly, before attempting to preach the Gospel.
Just as Christ is ordaining men today to preach and defend the "True" Gospel, satan is also ordaining "Religious but 
      reprobate" men and women to preach and defend the "false Gospel"
. These false prophets are easier to spot than you
      expect. They often deny the simplicity and objectivity of the Word of God and of His Christ, and apply their subjective
      interpretations, often with phrases like "I believe", or "this is what I believe". So, they must be constantly reminded that it's
      not what they believe, but what the scripture says. They will have their day in Court (The Court of Heaven that is), regardless
      of whether they mean well or not. 
30. We are fully persuaded in this Church that no demon in hell, no fallen angel and no principality or power of darkness can
      pluck a truly saved Christian from the hands of Jesus Christ
(i.e. lose your salvation if you are truly saved). But it is written,
      (and we are also fully persuaded) that Jesus Christ Himself will pluck you from His own hands (i.e. blot your name from the
      "Book of Life") or take His salvation from you) under the following conditions:   
(a)  If you deny Christ before men [Matthew 10:33]     
(b)  If you are lukewarm [Revelation 3: 15-16]. Neither hot nor cold" means you are inconsistent in your loyalty to the teachings of
     Christ, walking in the light of Christ, the doctrines of the Apostles of Christ, what you  believe and what you teach as a
     Christian, your obligations as a Christian in general, and your obligations to your ministerial office in the church, in particular. 
*Note* This is different from "Wavering faith". Wavering faith does not send you to hell. It just makes sure you receive nothing from God.      
(c)  If you are not bearing fruit (i.e. you are unfruitful and unproductive for the Kingdom of God after you are saved) [John 15:2,
     Rev 3: 15-16]     
(d)  If you decide to pluck yourself (i.e. walk away) from God and Christ and His teachings after you've known him
      [Hebrews 6: 4-6, Hebrews 10: 38, Psalm 73: 27]     
(e)  If you tamper with, distort or make a deliberate attempt to cover up, ignore, mock or destroy the prophecies given to 
     us in the book of Revelation
[Revelation 22:19] 
31. Salvation will do you no good if you are not walking in the Light of Jesus Christ after you are saved [John 8:12].
32. The true definition of "Faith" is hearing from God and acting on what He said. It is not listening to false prophets deceive
      you, or expecting God to approve the decisions you make when you listen to your "deceitful" heart. The pioneers of faith in
      the Bible-Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Mary (the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ), Gideon, Caleb, David, Joshua, Moses,
      Hannah (Samuel's mother), etc., all overcame their problems by faith because they first heard from God concerning their
      specific problems, and then believed and or acted on what God told them about the solutions. Planning, Preparation, and
      Action are 3 critical steps of faith we must take after hearing from God. Faith was not designed by God to sugarcoat our
      problems or to ignore "Reality", but was designed to help us face reality that a problem or problems exist, so we can boldly
      approach God for help. "Reality" prepares us to approach the throne of Grace for Divine intervention, but those who ignore
      reality and sugarcoat their problems with improper application of faith, will die in the problems. A Christian should only
      proclaim or claim "It is well", after God has spoken to you or showed you through a credible, reliable source that indeed,
      "It is well", and He has sent a solution or will send the solution at an appointed time. Remember the Shunamite woman

      [2nd Kings 4: 22-26]? She said "It shall be well" (Verse 23) because she knew Elisha (the tried and true prophet of God who
      had a consisted success in bringing God's solutions to people's problems) was not too far away. 
33. It is the responsibility of every Christian to monitor their own spiritual health by taking a daily account of where they are in
      Christ Jesus
[Philemon 2:12, 2nd Peter 3:17, 1st Cor 9:27], physical health by eating well, sleeping well, pupping well, and
      taking prescribed medications when necessary
 [1st Tim 5:23], financial health by working [Prov 6: 10-11, 20:13, 23: 21, 24:
      33-34, 38:22, 2nd Thessalonians 3:10], planning any projects (including having children) in advance (Luke 14: 28, ), and by
      saving money. The Lord will only intervene when you have done everything you are supposed to do and have gotten
(Luke 5:5, 1st Cor 3:6). 
34. Do not let anyone or your own heart deceive you: The Church will still be here during the early years of the tribulation.
      God is allowing this because the current filthy, religious assemblies people today call "Church" must be purged from all the
      false and watered-down doctrines it has been fed over the years, and made ready for her Bridegroom (Jesus Christ).
      This is confirmed in
[Daniel 11: 35, Act 14: 22, 1st Peter 4:17, 2nd Thessalonians 2: 1-3]. In [Matthew 24: 4-13], Our Lord
      Jesus Christ dropped the bombshell about the tribulations the Church will go through before being rescued, and warned
      us over and over again to be prepared. The word ELECT was used thirteen times in the New Testament and in

      [2nd John 1:1, 1:13], "The ELECT" is the name given to the "True Church of Jesus Christ". In [Matthew 24: 22], Christ
      stated specifically that
"Except those days be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the Elect's sake those days
      shall be shortened"
. If the days of hell on earth shall be shortened for the Elect's (the true Church) sake, that means
      "The Elect" will still be here on earth during the days of hell on earth. In
 [Revelation 3: 10], Christ promised the true (elect)
      Church in Philadelphia to "keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon the whole world, to try them that
      dwell on earth". Here's the mind that has wisdom: Why did Christ promise to rescue us from the carnage that is coming
      upon the earth if we are not going to be here on the earth in the first place? Can you rescue someone from a burning
      building when this person is not going to be in the building in the first place? Christ also makes it clear that not all those
      who call themselves Christians will be rescued from the tribulation, but only those who have
"Kept the Word of My Patience"
      (i.e.; those who have received, kept and walked the "True" Gospel).
Worship Service Videos-Coming Soon

If God asks you to give one reason the gates of heaven should be opened to you, what would it be?

                 "We are for real. Really"


We are a group of Christian believers committed to "Earnestly contending for the faith, once delivered to the saints" by our Great Master Jesus Christ.


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Columbus, OH 43229                          (614) 706-0124

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